Music is part of human culture and plays an important role in many human communities. This website section provides a place for me to share information about the various facets of music: listening to music, creating music, music and technology, the history of music, the psychology of music, etc.
- Sacred Harp MusicIn this video the Quire Cleveland performs a song called Sherburne, sung to music written by the 18th century American composer Daniel Read. The music first appeared in The American Singing Book (New Haven, CT, 1785), a hymnal published and sold by Read himself. [1] In that publication, the song … Read more
- MusipediaHave your ever had a tune running through your head and not been able to remember what it was, who wrote it, or where you may have heard it? When this happens to me, the tune seems to dig itself into my brain. I can … Read more