The Amaliehaven (Amalie Garden) is a long and narrow park that runs parallel to the Inderhaven (Inner Harbor) between Larsens Plads and Toldbodegade. At each end of the long axis is a water feature sculpted by Arnaldo Pomodoro. These are connected by paths with a large fountain and four pillars (also sculpted by Pomodoro) at their center. From this center, where Frederiksgade intersects the park paths, there is a great view of the Operahus (Opera House) across the water to the east and of the Amalienborg Palace and Marmorkirken (Marble Church) to the west. The strict geometrical design of the Amaliahaven is complemented by the softer shapes and textures of trees and other plantings, which have been arranged to create a peaceful, enclosed space. The Amaliehaven is said to be most beautiful in the spring when the cherry trees are in bloom. However, we found the this little park also attractive in November, with dry fountains allowing us to examine their sculptural details, and with autumn leaves, bare branches, and bright berries set against evergreens and a restless sky in the slanting light of the approaching solstice.